The third part of the personality is the superego. P10 L4
The superego is shaped by the outside world, especially by a child's parents.
Through rewards and punishments, the parents pass on to the child their beliefs in what is right and wrong. L8

The id, ego,superego,are all parts of our personality.
The id, "I want," the ego, "I can," and superego, "I must" or "I must not," sometimes get along very well together,and sometimes they do not. L24

The ego uses many tricks to defend it self against attack by the rest of the personality,as well as by the outside world.
these tricks of the ego are called defense mechanisms,each of us uses just a few,over and over again. L11

Perhaps the most important defence mechanism is the one that protects by keeping us from realizing that anything unpleasant happened.
The unconscious can "forget" bad experiences and memories, so that you are not conscious of them.
This defence machanism is called repression. L25

Freud gives an example of repression in his own case.
Someone was telling him about a summer resort with three hotels.
Freud,who had been at this resort many times,insisted that there were only two hotels there.
When told the name of the third hotel,Freud realized that it had been repressed from his conscious memory because it remained him of the name of a doctor whom he disliked.L8